Thursday, 19 December 2013

Reasons for the increase in Commercial property rentals

There are many reasons for the increase in commercial property

The increase of rent of the rented commercial spaces in bangalore is a part and parcel of the rental policy and can be implied by the landlords under different specific conditions. This kind of rental increase is also considered as one of the most inevitable aspects of the life of a tenant. But the landlord of the commercial property ca never increases the rent at their own will as he needs to sincerely abide by the rental policies of his respective state. The rent increasing timing and the way of landlord’s communication regarding the same is highly regulated by the local statutory authority controlling the rental policies.

 Besides having many rental increase restrictions, your landlord can increase your rental amount on different specific situations. The rent can be increased on the basis whether you are having lease or monthly rental agreement with your landlord. In case you are having lease, then the landlord will not be able to increase your rental amount in an easier way until the termination of the specific leasing period r tenure. After the expiry of the lease period, there might be a chance of rent increase of your rented office property.

The office spaces at bangalore starts frm Rs 50 /sq ft for fully furnished

In case you are having monthly rental agreement with your landlord, the he can raise the rent amount at any point of time by providing you a proper notice of the same at least 30 days prior of the concerned thing. In most of the sates, this kind of rental increase notice is normally office space in Jayanagar starts Rs 55/sq ft send to the tenant by means of certified mail rather than oral notice. This is because of the fact that oral notices are not legally valid at all and can be disobeyed by the tenants. The rent increase has a very bad impact o the security deposit amount as with the increase of rent, the amount of security deposit also increase to the similar extent. The landlord of the commercial space can also increase the rental amount at the time of recession where there is a huge scarcity of rented commercial spaces. At the times of recession, the tenants also agree to the higher rent offered by the landlord due to the lack of proper alternative in hand.

The landlord can also increase the rental amount in accordance of the prevailing market rate for the rental amount on the commercial properties or spaces. The landlords can also increase the rent in case you are not paying the rent on proper time. This kind of increased rent will include the penalty amount for the late submission of the rent amount. In some cases, the rent amount also fluctuates in case it includes the internet and utility costs. This is because of the fact that the utility costs do not remain the same in every month. Therefore, in order to collect more and more information about the same, you need to make thorough survey regarding the same. You can take the help of any efficient property broker of your locality. If you are quite internet savvy, then you can also take the help of internet for making thorough online research regarding the same.

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